Chapter Sisterhood

Tri Delta is a group of women bound together by common principles, goals, and sharing a variety of experiences. Immediately upon joining Tri Delta, you belong to a group of women who are sincerely interested in you and your well-being. Tri Delta sisterhood is a unique bond of friendship that provides you with a sense of family. College life presents many challenges and decisions, although it also provides you with the most memorable moments of your life. These moments are even more special when you have a great group of women to share them with.

Delta Hours are activities planned by our Member Development Chairman to promote sisterhood and having fun as a chapter. We have held movie nights, gone ice skating, and even attended to productions by the College of Fine Arts on campus (often to support our members as they perform)!

One unique part of our member development are Delta Dates, in which you are randomly paired with a sister to go out and do something fun on campus or in the Pittsburgh community. Delta Dates have included grabbing boba, seeing a movie, or even baking together. These are a wonderful opportunity to get to know sisters better!

brave, bold, kind